Publication of the Shortlist - Grading of High Quality Science and Technology Periodicals in the Energy and Power Field

来源:中国电机工程学会  发布时间:2019-05-20

The Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (hereinafter referred to as "CSEE"), authorized by the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, has been organizing the grading of high-quality scientific and technological periodicals in the field of energy and power. Based on nomination and the results of an open ballot, the shortlist of candidate periodicals is announced in the Annex.

 Any entity or individual that challenges the eligibility of the candidates should submit an Objection in written form before May 24, 2019. The Objection should elaborate its challenge with detailed evidence and specific comments. In case of any attachments to the Objection, a catalogue must be produced. All documents, including the Objection, catalogue, and attachments should be posted to the Evaluation Office (CSEE Editorial Department).

 Only autonym objections will be processed. An Objection from an entity should be prepared with the seal of company/organization, contact person and his/her telephone number, and mailing address. An Objection from an individual should be signed by himself/herself, and include his/her company/organization name, telephone number and mailing address. All information in the Objection will be open to public unless otherwise requested by the submitter.

 For candidates in the shortlist who have no intention taking part in the Grading, please claim your withdrawal in written form to the Evaluation Office before May 24, 2019.


 Contact information of the evaluation office:

 Ms Zhang Yurong

 Tel: 010-63414623

 Mobile: 18612863229


 Ms Zhou Wen

 Tel: 010-63416544

 Mobile: 18612869968

 Annex: Shortlisted Candidates for the Grading of High Quality Science and Technology Periodicals in the Energy and Power Field

